Thursday, April 23, 2020

Schizophrenia MCQ - Psychiatry - with answers

1) Regarding Schizophrenia,

a. Poor prognosis if the onset is young
b. No evidence that there is a genetic predisposition
c. Enlarged ventricles are seen in some
d. Prognosis is better in developed countries
e. Highly expressed emotions increase the risk of relapse

2) Passive symptoms of schizophrenia

a. Blunting of mood
b. Poor speech
c. Auditory hallucinations
d. Poverty of thought
e. Social withdrawal

3) Regarding epidemiology of schizophrenia

a. Life time risk is 1% in general population
b. Onset is typically between 15-35 years of age
c. Onset is earlier in females
d. Incidence is similar worldwide
e. Prognosis is worse in developing countries

4) Following are Schneider’s first rank symptoms of schizophrenia

a. Nihilistic delusions
b. Depersonalization
c. Visual Hallucinations
d. Thought broadcasting
e. Suicidal thoughts

5) Regarding the treatment of schizophrenia

a. ECT is effective in patients with chronic schizophrenia
b. Family psycho-education aiming at reducing emotional over involvement has proved to reduce relapse
c. Antipsychotic medication should be started in high doses and reduced gradually
d. Antipsychotics should not be given for more than a year
e. Behaviour therapy has no place in management

6) Good prognostic factors in schizophrenia

a. Early onset of disease
b. Male sex
c. Presence of affective symptoms
d. Prodromal symptoms for 1 year prior to onset of illness
e. Onset following a stressful event

7) Regarding treatment of schizophrenia

a. An episode should be treated for 1year after symptom resolution
b. Young age has a good prognosis
c. Lifetime risk is 10:1000
d. Concurrent use of anticholinergics reduce the risk of tardive dyskinesia
e. Sodium valproate reduces relapses

8) True or false regarding schizophrenia

a. Has a neurodevelopmental basis
b. Acute symptoms respond to treatment better than chronic
c. Lifetime risk is 10:10000
d. Young patients have a better prognosis than old patients
e. Point prevalence is 5 in 1000

9) Following are characteristic features of chronic schizophrenia

a. Lethargy
b. Hallucinations
c. Disturbed behaviour
d. Formal thought disorder
e. Abnormal movements

10) Features of chronic schizophrenia

a. Elevation of mood
b. Negative symptoms
c. Obsessional phenomenon
d. Loss of self-coping skills
e. Apparent cognitive impairment

11) Schizophrenia

a. Usually begins in old age
b. Usually does not interfere with day to day life
c. Is known to relapse when maintenance medicine is stopped
d. Is the rarest psychosis
e. Carries a very poor prognosis

12) In the treatment of schizophrenia

a. Medication is continued at least for one year after resolution of symptoms
b. Atypical antipsychotics should not be used in young patients
c. Deport preparations are used in patients with poor drug compliance
d. Sodium valproate is used to reduce relapses
e. Rehabilitation is needed for chronic cases

13) The following strongly support the diagnosis of schizophrenia

a. Third person auditory hallucinations
b. Disorientation
c. Visual hallucinations
d. Passivity experience
e. History of sexual abuse in childhood

14) Schizophrenia

a. Is diagnosed based on clinical presentation
b. According to ICD 10 symptoms should last at least 6 months
c. If the symptoms are for less than 1 month it is called acute psychotic disorder
d. 30% of patients will recover
e. Risk of suicide is highest when the disorder is in its early stages

15) True or False

a. Delusional disorder is when one only has delusions without other symptoms
b. In delusional disorder the delusions get encapsulated
c. Schizoaffective disorders may need both antipsychotic and antidepressant or mood stabilizing drugs
d. Primary delusions are common
e. Primary delusions are significant in diagnosing schizophrenia


01. a) T b) F c) F d) F e) T

02. a) T b) T c) F d) T e) T

03. a) T b) T c) F d) T e) F

04. a) F b) F c) F d) T e) F

05. a) T b) T c) F d) F e) F

06. a) F b) F c) F d) F e) T

07. a) F b) F c) T d) T e) F

08. a) T b) T c) F d) F e) T

09. a) F b) F c) F d) F e) T

10. a) F b) T c) T d) T e) F

11. a) F b) F c) T d) F e) F

12. a) F b) F c) T d) F e) T

13. a) T b) F c) F d) T e) F

14. a) T b) F c) T d) T e) T

15. a) T b) T c) T d) F e) T

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